Dear Fashionistas,
Happy New Year! Today's post is going to take a look back on my favorite 2019 looks! There are so many trends that have come about within this past decade; some old and others new. I have definitely taken part in a number of seasonal trends, and have found myself to be most excited when I am able to construct a unique interpretation of what's "in." If there is one thing that I have learned about fashion in this past decade, it's that trends are not a strict rulebook, but rather, a template. I would definitely say that I am a rule breaker when it comes to fashion!
I have created this look book to serve, not only as a reflection, but as a reference for the future! Certain looks may go out of style now, but we are bound to see them again in the future. I hope this gallery provides you with some unique inspiration for the New Year!
Always remember my mantra... Keep strong and Fashion On!
Mila Fox
See Below: